Tue 24 Jan 2006
Tony has had two great sessions so far this week! He has shown quite a bit of interest in crayons of late and has acquired a word approximation for them. I am continuing to see and hear more and more verbal labels and requests (aka tacts and mands for you ABA folk)each week. Tony has also been really interested in the mirror lately, looking at and talking to himself in a very animated manner. I see the beginnings of a politician! I’ve seen a big increase in patience on Tony’s part. Often times, I spend a good portion of a session redirecting or calming when Tony doesn’t want to do something or doesn’t want to take the time to be shown how to do it. He has begun to listen and watch to see how things work instead of grabbing for them or throwing them down. I think some of this patience and understanding is also seen in his “cleaning up” when a task is done. His being able to properly finish a task before moving on to something else that he really wants is really big! And again, his engagement in all of these activities to just phenomenal. Somthing else that I’ve found just completely heart warming is Tony’s laughter…just plain old giggles that are so appropriate! OK…can you tell I love this child! That’s all for now. See you guys on Thursday.