Tony was quite happy and excited today. As soon as I walked into the door Tony manded with an approx “walk”. Outside he said “walk” again (a little more clearly) and was hitting objects and asking with approx “what’s this?” He is echoing a lot with approxs and words. He even made an approx for “notebook”. I was able to ask “what’s this” and Tony responded half the time with “tree”, “car”, “light”, or colors and shapes (inside house). In the playroom Tony matched his pics but with reluctance. I had to really work to keep his attention and ended up setting him in my lap to get Tony to do it. I agree with Whitney that the verbal praise with this isn’t enough. I tried using his car as a reward but he just wanted to play with it instead of matching to “put w/same”. So, when I finally got Tony to do it he was throwing the cards into the correct baskets bc he wasn’t too happy and just wanted to get it done. He requested “all done” and the “clean up” song. We played with his car, opening the doors and Tony rolled it when I said “roll car” and “do this”. He rolled the car and made car sounds. Tony also played with his toy keys. With “put here” I held up a basket and pointed to it. Tony took the ball I gave him and put it in the basket. When at the table Tony did this with drawing, too. Tony made many requests and often. I counted over 60 mands between 10am-12pm, including the time that his OT, Lane, was here. Tony stacked different shaped blocks and tacted colors and shapes, sometimes when I asked “what’s this”, sometimes independently. When the OT was here Tony tacted “star”, “heart”, and all the other shapes, sometimes w/approx. When Tony and I were working he also completed intraverbals with “Twinkle, Twinkle”, and “Wheels on the Bus” (which he continued to sing later), and “Row, Row Your Boat”, but he said nothing to this song. He also did this with his numbers. With Lane Tony bounced on his ball while counting to ten and he drew lines with her, too. He also matched colors (putting colored shapes on pegs) when Lane said the colors. If the colors weren’t said then Tony tried to match the shapes. Tony also played with an Elmo version of Mr. Potato Head, which talked and made sounds. Tony loved this and made an approx for “elephant”. I know that I am leaving out a lot but he really did a lot with both of us today!