Wed 18 Jan 2006
Hey everyone! I’m sorry that I haven’t posted in so long, but I have lots to say now! I just wanted to let everyone who doesn’t already know where we stand with the MR/RD Waiver. For any of you that don’t know what the Waiver is, it’s a program designed to help children get all of the services that they need at home, rather than in an institution. That is NOT to say that Tony will ever be institutionalized, but he does need certain services that are not normally provided in the home. So, Tony’s name did come to the top of the waiting list (FINALLY!) and now I’m trying to gather as much information as possible to send to Columbia, where they will make the final determination as to whether or not he may receive Waiver services. Long story short, if this comes through, Tony will be able to get a lot more respite, personal care services, and any assistive technology types of things he may need. This is a VERY good thing! I hope that all made sense! If you have any questions about what this will mean for you, or anything like that, please let me know!
Other than that, things on my end are going pretty well. I continue to be amazed with Tony’s progress. Everyone is doing a fabulous job. I assessed Tony on 1/13 and once I have the scores recorded, I will try to post them up here so that everyone can see (if that’s ok with mom and dad!). Hope everyone is doing well and I will see you all soon!