Thu 8 Dec 2005
Today we (Elizabeth, Marlaina and I) had another meeting with Jay. (Don’t worry Elizabeth, I am blogging for you). We went over some more ABA training materials and focused on receptive trials and tacting drills. We decided that since Tony has not been doing well with the cards on the receptive trials, we decided to focus on doing more work with objects (i.e. “touch..*object*” instead of “touch…*picture card*”) We also decided on using the commands “touch” and “point to.” We will still be using the cards but will be using them with Tony by presenting them one-by-one and identifying each object as we go along. This way, Tony will be able to pair the verablization of the object with the picture card and once that is accomplished we can move on to tacting the cards and doing the receptive trials. Jay is such a great listener and full of ideas. I think we all feel lucky to have him.