As soon as I walked into the door Tony screeched. This was not a good sign. Actually Tony was fine after that but he walked to the gate and tried to climb over it. When he couldn’t he threw his cup over the gate and looked around. He really wanted someone to take him over it. Before this he also walked around calmly saying “mama” several times, looking for her. You could see that he was a tired, too. Tony then continued to play with Megan (EI) who was already here. Tony really worked well with Megan. He stacked and lined up blocks, sometimes saying “ta-da” and “uh oh” or clapping. Tony also played well with a shape sorter. When they moved on to the Mr. Potato Head Tony said “ear”, “eye”, and correctly put the body parts in the right places. He also manded “open” a lot so that Megan would open the compartment on the toy. He also requested this later when he wanted a crayon peeled, or a book opened, or the drawer on the Magna Doodle opened. Tony requested “all done” several times too, along with “bye bye” and the sound for “night, night”. He tried to lie on the floor a couple of times and he rubbed his eyes. Despite this, we did some matching using three cards at a time (spoon, shirt, car). Tony matched them on his first attempts. We did this activity twice. Tony also tacted the picture of a ball by saying “ball” and with the dog card made a sound somewhat like “dog”. But when I said “show me” with a pic of cat or turtle I didn’t get a response right away so I also pointed. Still nothing so I took Tony’s hand and touched the pics and said the words. In the short time we had Tony did a great job imitating sounds I made, from “choo, choo” to animal and car sounds. When I tried to get Tony to tact “turtle” he put his hand to his mouth and moved his mouth while making a slight sound, like he was trying. He also imitated movements. Tony requested “tickle” a lot so we did that and played “head, shoulders, belly….” We worked on the mand for “cup” but briefly. Tony usually just looked at me while I signed/said it so I prompted him. So, even though Tony was really sleepy and we didn’t work as long as usual, we did work on a few things.