Mon 9 Oct 2006
Today was a busy day. When we arrived, Tony was busy as always with his many toys and watching the Wiggles. We were there for about 15 minutes and then we headed over to the park. He was excited but as soon as we got there and tried to get him out of his car seat, he spilled the entire cup of water on himself. He is currently teething, so the Wiggles cup has become a problem with spills. We had to take him back home to change his clothes, so he wouldn’t catch a cold.
When we finally got back to the park, he pretty much bolted toward the slide. He had to bring his markers and turtle along with him, so climbing up the stairs turned out to be pretty problematic. When we got up there, we noticed there was a puddle of water at the bottom of the slide so Danielle had to clean it up while I held Tony at the top. He kept saying “1-2-3 Go!” but I kept saying “yucky” repeatedly which seemed to change his mind about going down. When Danielle finally got it wiped up, it was the usual routine of one of us accompanying Tony up the stairs and down the slide, while the other waited at the bottom of the slide to take him back up. This went on for a little while, until we finally convinced him to get on the kiddy swings. He liked riding the swings with his Turtle, but he didn’t seem to be able to make up his mind about “shoes off” or “shoes on”. It was a couple of minutes of him yelling shoes off and then the next minute yelling shoes on. After that, it was a few more times down the slide and then we were off to get some lunch.
We headed to Chick Fil A. He started asking for Marlaina, and eventually it generated to a repetition of “mommy, daddy” over and over again. When we finally got home, we tried to redirect him but it was turning out to be hopeless. We decided to take him to feed the ducks. This distracted him for a little while. I don’t know any other way to put this but he LOVES feeding the ducks. He’s all up in their faces and taking hand fulls of seeds and tossing it them. He finished off the bucket and so we decided to walk around a little bit. He seems to enjoy seeing the water. After about 5 minutes of walking, we headed back for the house. On the way there, he decided to put one of his fingers in his mouth. The problem was that the seeds had red peppers in them, so his tongue started burning and he started to freak out. He tried to wipe it off, but it only made it worse. I had to hold his hands down, and we had to hurry to the bathroom to wash them. He was spitting the entire time. We tried to get him to drink some water at first and failed. Eventually after seeing “Froggie” do drink out of the cup, he gave in and started drinking some water.
Not long after we arrived home from feeding the ducks, Mom, Dad and Morgan arrived home. Tony was very excited to see them. We then attempted to do some ABA with Tony but could not compete with the shows once again. We have decided that now we will try to do ABA out of the house, preferably at the park or while out on a walk.
Marlaina and Anton would like to get Tony socializing with some kids his age so off we went to Children’s Village. For some reason they were closed. They were supposed to be open but no one was there. Tony was looking through the windows all amazed and we could tell he was sad that we couldn’t go inside. So we decided to walk through the shopping center so Tony could look through the windows. On our walk, Tony spotted the mattress store…he immediately said “bed”. So we went in to look at the beds. He wanted to sit on them, so Jennifer pretended to be interested in a Tempurpedic while Tony and I tried out the beds. He was getting so comfortable that he wanted to bring his crayons and markers up on the bed with him.
Next it was on to the Children’s Gym. As soon as we walked in Tony immediately said “balloons”, “cake”, and “birthday party”. Apparently, they were closed off to the public due to the birthday party. Tony looked upset once again and did not want to leave. So we headed back home with intentions of Marlaina and Morgan joining us to go to the Aquarium. When we arrived at the Aquarium, we could not go in there either! Even though they were still open, they stop letting people in 2 hours before they close. So then it was on to Chucky Cheese.
It was a Saturday so Chucky Cheese was completely packed. The environment seemed to be a little too overstimulating for Tony. It just overall wasn’t a good experience, even though Tony enjoyed himself. We will spare you guys the details…but I don’t think we will be going to Chucky Cheese anymore.
Once we arrived back home, Jennifer cleaned up while Danielle ran to the grocery store. Then Tony was off to bed, completely exhausted from his very busy day!