Tue 30 May 2006
Today was a pretty fun day for Tony. I came in this morning while Tony was awaiting “The Wiggles” for a show. He was also munching on a lovely breakfast of waffle and banana. Since I have been gone for several days, I was so excited to see Tony. He gave me a big hug and repeatedly greeted me (he’s honestly the sweetest kid I know). During “The Wiggles” Tony was pairing 2-words saying, “One, two knees. Two knees!” as he pointed to my knees. He also noticed my shirt as well as Marlaina’s noting, “Red shirt. White shirt.” He’s really coming along with the two-words and also “I want ___.”
After a show, Tony manded for a walk. By the way, the clicker was unavailable to part of the day. Sorry I have no mand data! Our first walk was very short. It was really just a quick stroll. We came back a few minutes later and Tony decided to get down to business with his crayons and the house. I worked on a few intraverbals during his play. I worked on better eye contact when I asked him a question. I would say, “Tony, look at me.” I would sometimes have to gently touch his chin with my finger for a prompt.
Tony wanted a car ride but due to the fact Jill was coming soon, I had to redirect with a walk. We played Tony’s favorite “Stop/Go” game (I got some good exercise this way). We ran around some more and explore a few birds nearby. When we came back from our walk we loaded up in the car to make a quick run to Chik-Fil-A before Jill was to arrive. When we returned, Jill had arrived. With his fries in hand Tony marched off for a good session in speech. During his session, he got a poopy diaper and announced “potty” several times to everyone. Jill and I took him to the big potty while we sang an impromptu potty song that JIll made up (it’s really quite catchy).
After speech, Tony manded for chalk. We took everything outside and I worked on more intraverbals, tacts and motor imitation. I noticed that he’s really coming along with some of the MIs so I took 2 out. We drew with chalk for awhile until he was ready to go inside. It was pretty hot today. When we came back in, Tony was upset because Turtle had gotten chalk on one side of his head. A quick bath in the sink took care of the problem. Marlaina turned on a show to calm him down. Only a few minutes later and after a quick snack of chips that were manded for, Tony was ready to head back to work. He manded for “tunnel” while he pulled it out. We played in the tunnel, making various animal sounds (Tony’s favorite is the lion though). We also had some “music” going on in the background and we took a few minutes to dance together. I believe the song we danced to was, You’re Not the Boss of Me Now… how appropriate!
Tony and I spent the rest of our time together working on building with blocks. Jay, I don’t know if Tony is ready for the “Make Yours Like Mine” activity. I have made some of the drills more simplisitic, but Tony still likes to build things his own way. He didn’t get too frustrated today with this activity but he does a lot of the time. What do you think?
We took a second car ride because Marlaina needed to pick up some things from the drug store. Tony really lucked out on this trip! He got a new pack of crayons, a Blue’s Clues coloring book, some Crayola modeling clay and a set of Jay Jay toys. Yes, it was a great day for Tony! When we returned, I introduced the clay. He manded for a “dog” which I attempted to make. We also took some time to arrange the crayons and put them to use with the new coloring book. Only a few minutes into coloring, Tony was rubbing his eyes and requesting “open door.” It was surely time for “night, night.”
Another good day of therapy for Tony. He’s really learning so much, so fast! Yeh Tony!