Mon 10 Oct 2005
Today Tony jumped right into peeling stickers w/and w/out assistance. He was really focused on this activity and enjoyed doing it. Later in the session Tony also placed stickers in squares in a grid. He did this first with visual cues-watching the therapist place the stickers in the squares, and then on his own. At first he didn’t want the stickers on his notebook and would peel them off but was later okay with this. Tony really liked the verbal praise and this encouraged him to peel more on his own (praising himself verbally as he did it). Tony did a great job getting the stickers into the squares the majority of the time. He also stacked blocks once when the therapist started stacking first. He didn’t stack them later but grabbed all his yellow blocks before his tv show (that he’s seen before) started talking about the color yellow.
Tony was less receptive to pouring. He would do the task if constantly prompted and with hand-over-hand but he really didn’t want to do this. The therapist said “Tony, blocks” with the cups in her hands but Tony made a light whiney sound and shook his head “no”. Different objects were used for pouring-clothespins, wooden foods, blocks. Tony responded best to the wooden foods, pouring them a couple of times from the cup to the food basket. Tony swinged today for a little while but needed his mom present (or he’d get upset). During swing time he signed and said “tickle”, so the therapist tickled him. When Tony was hungry he took his mom’s hand and led her to the high chair. The therapist showed him his pictures of “cup” and “food” and said the words as handing him the objects while he was eating. Tony paid attention to this and held the “cup” picture beside his sippy cup.
Tony responded to the therapist saying in a deadpan tone and shaking her head “no”. Sometimes he would stop an activity and other times he would become upset but he did understand it. The therapist would try to redirect him to something else. When Tony wanted something he would say in a cheerful voice “yeah!” If he couldn’t have/do something he was redirected after saying and nodding to him “no”. Tony had good attention today and was receptive to the therapist. At 12:30pm Tony looked at the therapist, waved and said “byebye” then took his mom’s hand. He went upstairs to his room.