Tony did well today as we continued work with the stickers and the pitchers. Before we started with the stickers he played with his new magazine and his new blocks and then started with the stickers to make it seem more like another game to play during his playtime. I layed his purple notebook out flat for him and as he started to look at the blank pages I initiated modeling of putting the stickers on the paper. As I did this, I would say in a sing-song voice “On the paper” and would say this as I slowly put a sticker on the page. After about 10 trials of this I extended my hand out to Tony for him to try as I repeated the phrase. He started to push my hand with the sticker in it down towards the page (I guess he was prompting me here!) and I praised him verbally. After this I gave Tony a sticker saying “On the paper” and he actually stuck it right on! I reinforced him with verbal praise and tickles. He did about 6 more stickers all by himself, he did have some difficulty pulling them off but nontheless he did a great job! After the stickers we played with crayons but he liked to arrange them side-by-side more than anything. At one point he desperately wanted to be in the kitchen (where Anton was cooking) and actually sat on the carpet on the floor with his hands around his chest when I was trying to get him back into the play area. When I finally got him out of the kitchen I went back to the stickers and the notebook. He was this time very reluctant to stick any on the page, but wanted to peel them off. We still need to continue more work on this as well as the pitcher pouring task but all in all it was a good day for Tony because I felt he really made an effort and concentrated.