Today was an OK day with Tony. He was full of energy and requested “walk” and going “outside” as soon as I came inside. We went for a walk and before I could even ask him he was picking up leaves saying “leaf” and running to the tree and saying “tree.” He did well with motor imitation outside with “run” and manding for “swing.” I was having some difficulty redirecting him when we got inside. I did spinning and then bouncing with him which worked well and I held him up to the window to work on interverbals (ABCs and 1,2,3). He was still manding to open the door so Marlaina and I took him outside to the tennis courts with his matching cards (since I was having no luck with them inside) and his ball. He really had no interest in the cards outside because he was too busy trying to find his way out of the gated court. We did do a few motor activities with the ball outside (roll, bounce, manding for the ball, making baskets with the ball). Back inside Tony did well with drawing and “roll car.” We also worked on tacting animal sounds and echoics. I found it hard to keep Tony’s attention today, especially with echoics and matching. I really feel like I need more powerful reinforcers for him in the room to get him to do the activities….maybe verbal praise isn’t enough at this point. We can talk more about this on Friday with Jay. So today was good, I would just like to have gotten through with matching and more echoics.