Thu 12 Jan 2006
Today Tony was still recovering from being sick so we still didn’t get too much done since he was tired. He requested to go outside for a walk. As soon as we got outside, instead of going the normal route, Tony wanted to explore the men next door that were working on the house next door. He said “Hi” to the guys working and then we went out back. Tony requested “swing” several times on the hammock. He also did a good job of tacting “tree” when he ran up to it. I also did “do this” and run, which he did, but not as much today. As we were walking back around to go inside, Tony stopped at the bus, walked around to the door and said “open.” It was locked of course, but Tony didn’t understand and started to get upset until Anton came outside to unlock it. Tony wanted to hang out in the van so I tried a few “do this” activities with him (stomping and clapping). He did the stomping but I think he was too excited about being in the bus to do the clapping. After being in the bus for 10 min., I took him inside to work. We did “do this” and draw and then some echoics but was only successful with “ball.” He was getting tired and kept asking me to open the gate. I thought he wanted to go outside again but instead, he shot upstairs. I guess he wanted a little time of his own to rest. So, not a whole lot to report on today given the fact that Tony was still recovering.