Sat 10 Dec 2005
This was another one of those days where Tony was pretty hyper and it was hard to keep him on task (its harder to work later during the day usually). I did letters with Tony and tried to get him to say each letter before I gave it to him because he was making a stack of them. He did really well and tried to sound out each letter except for the harder ones like “W” and “L”. We also did “jump” and “ahh boom.” Tony actually started manding for jump spontaneously which was cool and holding his arms up in the air. We did “jump” a few times and then he started jumping up and down by himself…he also did this later on with “bounce” as he bounced himself on his rubber ball. The highlight of the evening was definitely when Tony was eating his pasta. We only put a little on his tray and then Tony started manding very clearly for “more.” I can him two more scoops and he counted “one” “two” “three” with every spoonful I gave him. He continued to eat and kept signing for more so of course I gave him more saying “more pasta.” I kept repeating “pasta” and “mm..pasta.” The third time Tony signed for more he said “aahsta!” I of course gave him verbal praise and immediately delivered the pasta. Tony said pasta probably about 5 or 6 more times….he was smiling and shaking his head as he ate too. It was pretty cool…so I guess this is a good word we can start to use for meal time. Yeh for Tony!