Fri 9 Dec 2005
I didn’t post for Wed so I will give a brief summary. Tony did some intraverbals such as “A, B, __” and he clearly said “C”. Also, he did do some motor imitation to “do this” with stomping and drumming. We were unable to tact any cards but we did do some 2-D matching. Tony was rather hyper (and really into his crayons) but since he was in a really great mood we were able to get a little accomplished.
Okay, today was wonderful. In the beginning Tony’s attention was slightly diverted but we still completed “do this” motor imitation with stomping, clapping, drumming, and rolling. I used puzzle pieces for Tony to tact and for the receptives. As soon as he saw the ball he yelled “ball!”. I used a physical prompt for “touch the ball”. When I pulled out the puzzle piece of the cow and said “touch the cow”, Tony did it. Later on we used squish balls and other 3-D objects and Tony touched the objects when I said “touch the __”. We also worked on “point to the __” but this was less successful. He tacted a lot today, saying bubble, ball, choo-choo (also manded these). He manded “open”, “all done”, and “no”. When we were counting beads on his wire toy and doing some intraverbal he approximated “seven” and said “eight, nine, ten”. Nine and ten were very clear and he said them when he was on the correct numbers. Tony matched his cards very well today using three yellow boxes and changing up the cards after he matched them. Tony picked up some crayons and became fixated so in order to keep him on task I got some more crayons and rewarded him with one when he matched correctly to “put with same”. Tony also peeled stickers and we did “touch your__” with the “head, shoulders…” game. Tony was just really focused at the middle to end of the session so we kept going past 1pm.
December 10th, 2005 at 8:06 pm
Looks like we continue to move right along with skill acquisition….Good job therapists and Tony! Remember that the same word can serve a variety of functions (e.g., mand, tact, interverbal, echoic). Our goal is to get these words to occur for a variety of reasons (functions) so when he says a word for a mand, it may not necessarily be in his repetroire as an interverbal, echoic, etc. That’s why we need to get the word under stimulus control under a variety of Sd+’s. In other words, just because he has a word in one verbal operant category doesn’t mean he will say it under other conditions (unless we train him……which is what our ABA program is about). I like the creativity with the crayons Elizabeth. Is he matching these crayons by color?? If so, could he match other stimuli by color?? Just thinking as I am writing……Keep up the hard work and please e-mail or call if questions