Thu 3 Nov 2005
Aha! My bag of distraction tricks is being put to good use!…that’s great! Tony really seems to enjoy these sort of sensory based activities so I try to incorporate any kind of verbal imitation and the oportunity for Tony to communicate that he wants something to happen. Combining movement with vocalization tends to be helpful for a lot of kids.
Today Tony independently used the sign for open in reference to a box of shape puzzles. He loves these puzzles and does a great job with them. He completed three of them by himself matching a circle, square, rectangle, diamond, triangle, and semi-circle. It’s amazing how focused he gets when he really enjoys something!
Marlaina and Anton, sorry I rushed out of there today. When I looked at my watch it was time for my next appointment. It’s so easy and entertaining to sit and talk with you guys! Enjoy your weekend and I’ll see you next Tuesday. I’ll be in touch with Megan. ~jill