Tue 18 Jul 2006
When I arrived this morning Tony was still asleep. Marlaina informed me that he’d been up all night. That fact was reflected in the state of the house. Right away I began cleaning. While cleaning and listening to a play-by-play of Marlaina’s latest crazy dream I managed to burn five pieces of toast to a crisp. The first batch set off the smoke alarm. OOPS!
When the boy finally came downstairs I was still working on cleaning up his room. Tony enjoyed some television watching and coloring with Sissy. He was very excited when Whitney arrived and he greeted her at least ten times with a high pitched “Hi Whitney!” Pretty soon Morgan, Whitney, Tony and I were off for a car ride to get him some french fries. We went for another car ride in Whitney’s car. This time downtown to get a special lunch from Basil. We are celebrating Whitney’s remaining presence while we still can. We are really going to miss her. This afternoon Sarah from DDSN came over to do Tony’s annual assessment. Tony just finished Speech with Jill and now he is settling down upstairs with turtle, cup, and a show.