Wed 21 Jun 2006
Mands: 28
Lovely day! Tony was a very happy boy almost all day! We got to watch Sesame Street and play with legos too. While we were playing in the room we decided to try some ‘make yours like mine’ with big legos. Tony did pretty well with this, especially with Whitney’s Tony friendly approach. Yeah Whitney! Also while we were in there Tony manded for his butterfly wings to be put on. Whitney asked if he could fly and he gleefully complied.
Our walk was fun and we helped Marlaina by filling two large plastic planters with leaf litter for her new composting project. Then we did some running and Tony shoveled some dirt in one of his favorite spots: under the trees that support the hammock. One of the hazards of dirt play is the likliness of getting dirt in uncomfortable places. The eyes are definitely at the top of the list. Tony got some dirt in his eyes so Whitney took him inside and cleaned him up. Marlaina suggested that we go to the pool.
Great idea Marlaina! We all had tons of fun at the pool. We swam, kicked, jumped, splashed, and Tony almost polished off his entire ‘pool snacks’ container. When the pool area became suddenly flooded with a large number of people Tony became a shy boy and hid his face. There were a lot of people. Oh well.
The only crying Tony did before his naptime today was during the removal of his wet bathing suit. We all know how unpleasant wet bathing suits can be. once it was off, he was fine and we went for a car ride. After the car ride he was so exhausted that he fell asleep watching a “Fraggle Rock” DVD.