Mon 31 Oct 2005
At the beginning of the session Tony was very playful and moved from toy to toy. I had to use a lot of hand-over-hand and redirection to get Tony to do an activity. There were some activities that he just didn’t want to do. But Tony still had a pleasant disposition and after swinging and jumping Tony settled in to the ABA. During swinging I said “swing” and “ready, set, go” then pushed him. I counted to ten and Tony pulled up my fingers, making a counting sound. I also for fun grab Tony’s legs and say “feet up” and Tony holds his legs up on his own while swinging. After a while Tony whined to go inside and I said “all done’. Tony suddenly got quiet and smiled so I waited with him in the swing. He stared then signed “all done” so I stopped the swing and brought him inside. Tony also wanted to jump and grabbed my hand and said “ump” and jumped. We jumped quite a few times throughout the session (some for sensory and some for redirection).
During matching I said “put with same” as I modeled putting lizard one with lizard two in the box. I did this once then did this with Tony using physical prompt (hand-over-hand). After doing this twice, Tony then did this with just a verbal prompt a few times. He also did this with plasic dinosaurs and a lot with his squishy balls. I took Tony’s hand and we squished the balls and Tony played with these for a while before we did the matching with them. The squishy balls were the most effective with matching today.
Tony later played appropriately with his peek-a-boo blocks, stacking (and making counting sounds) and also putting them in the noise making contraption (a plastic elephant) that the blocks were designed for. He played well with this for a while. I was able to use verbal prompt to get Tony to place two blocks back into their storage box but he was really into the elephant and then a Dora Explorer book.
Tony didn’t want to play with his bouncy balls during the rolling activity but did better when I pulled out the bowling ball again and lined up the pins. Tony rolled the ball into the pins with mostly physical prompt but did it after a while with just verbal prompts. At one point Tony’s mom said “walk” and Tony took her hand and we walked in the grass outside. At one point Tony sat down and rolled in the grass. We came back inside and worked some more.
During sticker activity Tony only needed verbal prompting. He peeled the stickers by himself and placed them on the page after I said “peel sticker”. He kept peeling on his own. I did used verbal and gestural (saying “put sticker here” and pointing to the designated square). Tony did this activity well and 3/4 the time the sticker was completely in the box. Since Tony really enjoys the peeling we did this for a long time.
Tony signed “all done” to the therapist 3Xs today and once said it clearly while doing it. He did this at swingtime, snacktime, and lunchtime. When the therapist said “bye, bye” to Tony he turned around and waved at me. A rocky start but it was a productive day.