Mon 17 Oct 2005
Today was all about counting 1-10–from blocks, to number of jumps, to bowling pins, etc…Tony loves to count objects so this was used to direct him to a task. In order to get Tony to pour objects we counted the number of pours (even though he only did this a couple of times at different attempts). To get Tony to roll a ball towards his mini bowling pins (rather than lining up the pins in a straight line) the therapist counted the pins with him (hand-over-hand and saying the numbers aloud). Once the bowling pins were knocked over, strong verbal praise and clapping was used. Eventually, Tony wasn’t trying to line up the pins and he was rolling the ball to knock down the pins. We also pulled out blocks of different colors, shapes, and sizes and lined them up and counted them with Tony’s finger firmly pressing each block as the number was said. Tony later pointed on his own and made the sounds, “un, du, ee….” (sounding like he’s counting–mimicking the inflection of the voice).
Therapist later took Tony outside and swinged him, counting the number of swings. He was okay today with his mom staying indoors. As he swinged the therapist grabbed his feet and said “feet up”. When Tony held up his legs on his own he received lots of verbal praise. He held his legs up a lot on his own. Therapist kept his attention so he didn’t “zone out” while he swinged.
Tony completed the sticker activity (peeling partially-peeled stickers and placing them in the squares) very well. He attempted to peel the stickers without assistance until the therapist peeled a corner for him. Then he peeled them and put them in a square that the therapist was pointing to at that time. If he went for the wrong square sometimes then the therapist used hand-over-hand. He received the verbal praise/clapping for this. Tony responds very well to the praise so this is used often. Tony continued to peel stickers for a while. Towards the end of the session Tony showed signs of being tired so if he went to his mom then the therapist redirected him with jumping on the floor or tickling (both times he said “jump” (ump) and “tickle” (including the sign). Then it was back to his objectives.
Tony put different shapes in the shape sifter. Sometimes he would want the therapist to use hand-over-hand with him even though he could do the activity. So the therapist sat on her hand and used the other to point. Tony then put the right shape into the right space. Later Tony wanted a snack and led his mom to the high chair. Once he got his sandwhich (and pork rinds) the therapist took his finger and pointed to his sandwhich and said “food”, then to his pic and said “food”. This was done whenever Tony had his sippy cup, too. After snacktime there was more work/play until Tony took his mom’s hand and waved/said “bye, bye” to the therapist. Then he went to bed at a quater ’til 1pm so he worked a little bit longer today! Tony is really warming up to the therapy and he’s really trying/progressing. Best day yet!