I’m posting this for the sole purpose of asking Jay a few questions about some of the new drills.

1) I wanted to know what the exact SD is for the drill on colors. We didn’t write it down during our last meeting, but to my memory I thought it was “What color is this?” I know we are doing 3 different exemplars for the colors, but what steps of presentation do we need to take before asking him the question. For example, should we just be able to put out 3 different red things and ask “What color is this?” I’m not sure if it would be easier for you to explain it through posting, or we should practice it next Monday (or both). I want to practice the adjectives drill too (just to make sure we’re all doing it right).

2) Since our last meeting, Tony has gotten 3 sequential “yeses” with the puzzle activity (ABC and numbers). I have mixed up all the numbers and letters in both the puzzles and Tony has been able to finish them both unmprompted very quickly. I thought maybe we could do some matching with colors or Elizabeth suggested animals. What do you think?

OK, I think that’s it for now. Let us know what you think when you have time to post. Thanks!