Thu 9 Feb 2006
MANDS = 30
Today went really well with Tony. We had a lot of manding for things today which was great. He manded for “roll” as I would roll the ball to him and then he would roll it back. He really likes doing this and is also good for his gross motor skills by having to roll it back to me. Tony also manded for “spin” “bubbles” and for “ride.” This last mand was sort of created on Monday when Elizabeth was pulling him on his wagon and he wanted to be pulled in it. Tony also manded for “squeeze” a lot when we were playing with his squish balls. He likes to push down the bubbles the ball makes when you add pressure. I also worked with him on saying “push” as he was pushing the bubbles down.
As far as tacts go, we didn’t get to pictures of animals today, but we did go over some magnetic cards that had pictures of chips, shoes, a shirt and a crayon. I went through these with Tony because they were in the same box as his post-it notes. I presented each one with “What’s this?” Tony tacted each one of those cards on the first try, unprompted. I’ve never done these cards with him before, but I was very impressed (especially with “shirt”). On tacting sounds, Tony got a “yes” with cat and pig today. The rest of the sounds were echoics.
When we worked on body parts, Tony again didn’t want to focus on Mr. Potato Head too much, nor the spare parts. He did echo an approximation to “finger” and “nose” today and tacted Mr. Potato Head’s hat and touched it when I asked. Again, I had to do hand over hand with “touch your ___” with Tony.
For motor imitation Tony did really well today too. He clapped his hands and put his hands to his cheeks on the first time with the “do this” prompt. I also did jumping with Tony outside and running. Also when we were outside, Tony manded to see the ducks since we did this with Parker last time. He grabbed my hand and started grabbing me and saying “ducks.” Tony echoed “duck” when we saw one and also made the sound for duck.
Tony also completed both puzzles today (numbers and letters). I dumped all the pieces out and Tony went through and picked out all the numbers and put them in their correct place. After, Tony worked on the letters and did most of them correctly (I had to do a gestural prompt with “E” and “Q”).
So, all in all Tony had a great day today. He really is making great progress.
February 10th, 2006 at 10:34 am
With the hot/cold exemplars, you might want to try different clothing items out of the dryer to tact hot, placing his hand near (but not on) something hot (where he can feel the warm sensation), or having him feel warm water in a sink/bathtub. For cold, ideas might include taking a cold drink from the fridge, wrapping ice in a towel, or running cold water. These are some things you may want to try. We want to pair the same word (i.e., hot/cold) with each of these exemplars to teach him that a word can stand for more than just a single nonverbal stimulus.