Mon 6 Feb 2006
MANDS for today =16
Today was our IFSP meeting with Jay, Megan, Lane, Jill, and ABATs. I worked with Tony in the morning and we got a lot done with animal sounds (even though he did mostly echoics to the sounds), motor imitation including roll car, drawing, pencil in cup and he also manded for bubbles, drawing, and cup. Although cup sounds like “c-c-c” but I gave him a “yes” for it. He also did well with intraverbals “1, 2, 3s” and “A,B,Cs.”
During the IFSP meeting we went over Megan’s (EI) forms looking at Tony’s strengths and weaknesses and things that need to be targeted. It was a good meeting because Megan talked with Jay and we added some of Tony’s “weaknesses” to the ABA program (one example was “standing on one foot”). Jay also took out some things like the echoics as well as the matching drills but replaced them with some additional tacting drills. These mainly focused on tacting different .animals, adjectives and colors. We are teaching the colors and the adjectives over 3 different exemplars, using 3 different items that are identical except in color and with adjectives in one salient opposite (i.e. big, little; short, long; loud, quiet). Basically we added some harder drills because Tony has been doing so well with everything in the program. Tony is just learning so quickly! So, that’s all for today.
February 7th, 2006 at 5:15 am
Please note:
In instances such as this where you are posting days after the actual events took place, you need to note in either your subject line (where you put your name and specialty) or in the first sentence of the post when the events actually occurred. For everyone’s reference, the post above actually referred to an IFSP review that took place on 2-1-06 and NOT on 2-6-06 when it was actually posted.
Thanks guys!