OK, so not much to report on because Elizabeth blogged for today, however I would like to mention that Marlaina found some wonderful new sheets online for “the book.” There are new data probe sheets that have symbols for “correct” “incorrect” “no response” or “approximation.” I like these sheets more because it gives us more specific data than just “yes” “no” (are you excited, Jay?). We also have a new sheet that can serve as a cover sheet to describe how to perform the activity (that way we don’t have to have notes all over our new pretty data sheets). Anyway, I thought I would post this one for Jay so he knows that we’ve made some slight adjustments to the data collection. Jay, please post in response to this if you have any questions/concerns. Thanks!
March 2006
Wed 1 Mar 2006
Wed 1 Mar 2006
Mands=22 (forgot to click some and he didn’t mand as much today)
Today Tony was very distracted (due to receiving glutens from his bubbles over the past few days–he’s been licking the soapy wand/his hands so the bottle has now ‘disappeared’). He still had some good moments (especially once inside w/Lane(OT)) but Tony manded to walk and we spent a lot of time outside redirecting him from water (puddles, pond). Outside Tony manded “throw”, “roll”, and “sit down” (approx), and “jump” . He also requested inside his cup and to eat. We worked on long and short with sticks and he echoed “long”. Tony also said “rock” (approx). Today Tony said “help” a few times but is of course still using “open”. We did some motor imitation but Tony needed prompting except with standing on one foot and stomping. With kicking Tony shuffled through a pile of leaves. We worked on “do this” patting our heads and bellies. It was difficult to keep eye contact long enough for him to see the motions. Inside we worked on animal tacts w/pictures and sounds. Today Tony made an approx for “rooster” but didn’t tact the sound without prompt. He also didn’t tact “pig” or “cow” but he did say “sheep”. Tony tacted “tree” outside again today and he also tacted “shoe”. In fact, when I arrived today Tony wanted to walk and so I told him that he needed his socks and shoes, pointing to my shoes. He immediately ran to his shoes (with the socks in them), pulled out his socks and handed me his shoes. He then held out his foot for me to put on his shoe. I remember when he’d get upset while putting on these things. Something else that is really worth mentioning is that Tony is responding to his name! And Tony is still doing very well with his intraverbals and with the songs is singing more of the lyrics rather than filling in with one or two words (approx). We didn’t get to colors today although Tony did echo some while coloring. I would like to report more but we simply didn’t get to many objectives bc this was an off day for Tony. Well, I will not be here for a week so I hope that the glutens run through his system in order for Whitney (ABA) to get some good work w/Tony.